Guidance on completing the call for sites form.

The call for sites process is an opportunity for people to submit land which could be developed to meet future needs. The Council welcomes suggestions from landowners or their representatives for sites that might be suitable for development.

The Council will consider all sites and broad locations capable of delivering 5 or more dwellings or economic development on sites of 0.25 hectares (or 500 square metres of floor space) and above in line with the thresholds in the National Planning Practice Guidance.

If you wish to submit a site, please complete this form. Please complete a separate form for each site proposed. The online form is 3 pages, the processing is slow, please only click once to move to next page (You cannot return to previous page). Also again, please only click the submit button once.

Each site suggestion must include a detailed location plan on an Ordnance Survey base map at scale 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the accurate site boundary clearly marked; maps can be submitted with this form.

The Council will accept call for sites forms from landowners or, with their support, people working on their behalf. We advise that you gather all the evidence you need before completing the form.

You are encouraged to submit any site survey work and specialist reports in support of site proposals; this information can be submitted with the form and site location plan.

Please note that if you have already submitted your site as part of the earlier 2020/21 Call for sites you do not need to do anything, do not resubmit the site and do not complete another form.

Sites will be assessed based on the methodology provided in the National Planning Practice Guidance. While all proposals will be considered, please note that site submissions do not guarantee they will be allocated in any future Local Plan, or that planning permission would be granted at any future point if, or when, an application is submitted. The assessment provides information on the range of sites available to meet development needs, but the review of the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan will determine which of those sites are most suitable to meet needs.

If you have any queries on the call for sites form then please contact the Strategic Planning Team on 01952 384241 or email

Call for sites questions

1. Contact details

Please provide your full contact details, including a phone number or email address. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your contact details. If you are the main contact for this site, please check ‘yes’; if not, please provide the agent’s details in section 3.

2. Status

Please let us know if you are the owner, consultant or other interested party. If you are not the site owner, or there are several site owners, please provide their details in section 4. The Council will accept call for sites forms from landowners or, with their support, people working on their behalf.

3. Agent or consultant details

Please provide the land agent or planning consultant contact details if they differ from those in section 1.

4. Site ownership

Please provide contact details of all the site landowners including any land required to provide access. For sites in multiple ownership the first entry will be the main contact for this site, unless you have indicated otherwise in the contact details for sections 1 and 3. You may enter up to three additional landowners by completing the details.

Please confirm if the owner or part owner(s) have been informed and are supportive of the site submission. You may include a site title plan and deeds in section 12 of the form.

5. Site details

Please provide site location details. If the site does not have an address please describe its location, indicating the access road or nearest properties (for example, Land off New Road or Land adjacent to 12 New Road).

Current land use: Please provide details of the current land use by selecting one of the options; if the site has several uses please select ‘mixed use’ and provide details in the site description question.

Type of site: Please select one of the options – Brownfield, Greenfield or Mixed. Greenfield is land, or a defined site - usually farmland - that has not previously been developed.

Previously developed land or ‘Brownfield’ land – Defined in the National Planning Policy Framework as:

Land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land (although it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage should be developed) and any associated fixed surface infrastructure. This excludes: land that is or was last occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings; land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill, where provision for restoration has been made through development management procedures; land in built-up areas such as residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments; and land that was previously developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape.

If the site comprises a mix of brownfield and Greenfield land, please check ‘mixed’ – you can provide details in the site description question.

Site description Please describe the amount and type of any buildings on the site. Are any of the buildings still in use? Are any buildings vacant or derelict?

Existing trees, habitats and landscape features Please describe the amount and type of any buildings on the site. Are any of the buildings still in use? If so, when will the use(s) end? (The timescales for when development could realistically start should reflect this – see section 10) Are any buildings vacant or derelict? What are the site access arrangements?

You may also provide details of different uses and if the site has a mix of Greenfield and brownfield land.

Adjacent land use(s) Please describe any adjacent land uses – buildings, operations, trees or habitats, access points, highways and water features.

Relevant planning history Please provide details of any planning history for the site including application references.


Details of adjacent land use(s) Please describe any adjacent land uses – buildings, operations, trees or habitats, access points, highways and water features. You may submit any environment survey reports, plans or images with this form.

6. Proposed future uses

Please indicate the proposed future uses of the site. You can propose several uses in one submission for an individual site. In the comments boxes, please explain why the use(s) have been proposed and describe the amount of development anticipated; for example, the number of dwellings proposed or amount of employment land in area (hectares) and/or floor space (square metres). If any master planning, design, layout, local engagement and/or public consultation, viability or other work has been undertaken in support of your submission, please provide details in section 12.

As a reminder the Council will consider all sites and broad locations capable of delivering 5 or more dwellings or economic development on sites of 0.25 hectares (or 500 square metres of floor space) and above.

7. Market interest

Please provide details of any market interest in the site. You may select more than one option. Please provide any details against each checked option – additional documents or details can be submitted with the form. Where potential problems have been identified, please explain how and when they can realistically be overcome.

8. Utilities

Please indicate which utilities are available to the site. Further information on availability and connections should be provided in section 11 ‘other relevant information’ or through submitting documents with this form. Evidence of correspondence with utility providers is important and should also be submitted to demonstrate how the site can be serviced within the proposed timeframe for development.

9. Site suitability

Several factors need to be considered in assessing a site’s suitability for development now and in the future. Please indicate if any of the listed factors affect the site. Some information sources are listed below; however, this list is not comprehensive. You are advised to carry out further research and may wish to commission technical site surveys and obtain specialist advice on particular issues.

Land: Please indicate if there are site ownership issues, for example where land in other ownership must be acquired to enable the development to come forward. If existing use(s) (including businesses) need relocating, or there are legal ownership issues affecting the site’s availability, please provide details.

Flood Risk Please refer to the Environment Agency flood maps to determine if the proposed site is within flood zone.

Ecology Please provide details of any known habitats or species on or adjacent to the site. Where a site is within or immediately adjacent to a designated site (Site of Special Scientific Interest; Local Nature Reserve; Local Wildlife Site; Local Geological Site) or the Local Plan Green Network, please provide details of how the proposed development impacts could be mitigated.

Designations can be checked on the Council’s website - Interactive Policies Map


Heritage Where a site is within or immediately adjacent to the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site; Listed Buildings; Conservation Areas; Scheduled Ancient Monuments; Registered Parks and Gardens; or Buildings of Local Interest, please provide details of how the proposed development impacts could be mitigated.

Designations can be checked on the Council’s website - Interactive Policies Map. Additional heritage information is available on the Historic England website. Where any issues have been identified, please provide information on measures to address them. You can provide additional details or submit any sites surveys in sections 11 and 12 of this form. It is important that additional information is provided regarding how any constraints can be overcome in order to ascertain that site can be delivered within the time frame indicated.

Trees, woodland and landscape: Please state if any trees, woodland or landscape features are present. Additional information including protected trees (Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas) is available on the Council’s interactive planning online mapping.

Heritage assets: Where a site is within or immediately adjacent to the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site; listed buildings; conservation areas; Scheduled Ancient Monuments; Registered Parks and Gardens; or Buildings of Local Interest, please provide details of how the proposed development impacts could be mitigated. Details of heritage assets is available on the Council’s website - interactive planning online mapping.

Land contamination: If there are any known land contamination uses, for example from a previous use(s) on the site, please provide details including any remediation measures.

Access: You will need to demonstrate that the site can be served by an adoptable road access. If there are site access issues affecting delivery, please provide details. You can upload any plans demonstrating potential access arrangements, or site surveys in section 12.

Utilities: Please provide details of any pylons, overhead lines, sewers, pipelines or other infrastructure that cross or are adjacent to the site. How will the site be serviced by water, sewerage, gas, electricity and telephone utilities? Please provide details; additional information can be included in section 11 or uploaded in section 12.

Public rights of way: If there are any public rights of way on or adjacent to the site, please provide details including how the right of way could be incorporated in future development. Where any issues have been identified, please provide information on measures to address them. You can provide additional details or upload any site surveys in sections 11 and 12 of this form. It is important that additional information is provided on how any constraints can be overcome in order to ascertain that site can be delivered within the timeframe indicated in section 10.

10. Site availability:

Please indicate when you anticipate development could realistically start on site. Comments should address any suitability issues identified in sections 8 and 9, and consider realistic timescales for site marketing, disposal and obtaining planning permission.

11. Additional information:

Please provide any additional information in support of your site submission. You may refer to previous sections or reference documents which can be uploaded in section 12.

12. Location plan and supporting documents:

Each site submission must include a detailed location plan on an Ordnance Survey base map at scale 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the site boundary clearly marked; please upload a location plan in this section. You may also attach up to four documents with any supporting information on the site; for example, design and master planning work, specialist technical surveys, images or concept plans. This information can be uploaded via the online form (files must be in PDF, .PNG,

.JPG or shape file format). Each file must not exceed 10MB.