1. Contact Details

Provide contact details of the person completing the form


2. Status

Please state your interest in the land as applicable

3. Agent or consultant contact details (if applicable)

Please provide land agent, developer or planning consultant contact details if they are different from those in question 1

4. Site Ownership

Please provide details of all landowner(s) below

If you are not the owner or sole owner submitting this site, please provide details of all landowner(s) below. The landowner(s) listed should be aware and supportive of the site submission; proof should be provided in sections 11 and 12 of this form. For sites in multiple ownership please click ‘Add owner’ to include up to three additional landowners. Where several landowners are proposing a broad location for development, please explain and provide additional information in section 11.

Please click ‘add owner’ to include up to three additional landowners